Before training a machine learning (ML) model, the dataset is divided into training, validation, and testing sets. This process of dividing the dataset is also known as building a validation framework.

In an ideal situation, the dataset is normally divided into these sets and hence one can continue with the other data preprocessing steps and then proceed to training the mode.

In a situation where the dataset has not been divided into these sets, the best method to use a means of building a validation framework is Cross Validation. Cross Validation is the process of splitting the dataset into Training and Testing set in an unbiased format.

The Steps For Using Cross Validation In Building A Validation Framework is as follows:

Step 1: Randomly divide the data into different groups (n).

Step 2: Use (n-1) group for training the model and the last group for testing.

Step 3: The process is repeated for n number of iterations which is called n-Fold Cross validation.


The number of iterations are called Folds.

The method of Cross Validation that is used in a situation where we have lots of data is the 10-Fold cross validation which is the preferred algorithm method.

Another method for Cross Validation is the Leave-One-Out Cross Validation. Which is used in a situation where we are dealing with less amount of data.

Lastly, one of the important reasons for building a validation framework is to avoid Data Leakage. Which occurs when the same data used for training a model is also used for testing the model.

Moro A. Wahab